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170元以上 苏州 应届毕业生 大专
170元以上 苏州 应届毕业生 大专
主要职责: 1, 接待来访客人 2, 办公室维护的日常监测。 3, 监控办公用品库存,编制采购申请单。 4, 协助供应商评估和根据公司政策报价 5, 续签和维护管理合同 6, 归档和更新公司业务证明、监控注册/注销分支机构和相关文件 7, 协调所有办事处的许可证年度调查 8, 负责运输规划和安排 9, 协助准备公司活动、展览和培训活动 10, 主管指派的其他任务 应聘要求: 1, 大专以上学历,2023、2024届在校学生,专业不限; 2, 精通Office办公软件; 3, 良好的英语口语和书面表达能力; 4, 工作积极主动; 5, 礼貌、耐心、有良好的团队合作精神和服务态度 Key Responsibilities: 1, Reception of visiting guests. 2, Daily monitoring of office’s maintenance. 3, Monitor office supplies inventory and prepare the purchase requisition. 4, Assist for vendor evaluation and price quotation according to company policy 5, Renew and maintain administration contracts 6, File and renew company business certifications, monitor register/deregister branches and relevant documents 7, Coordinator all offices’ license Annual survey 8, Responsible for transportation planning and arrangement 9, Assist to prepare company events, exhibition, and training activities 10, Other tasks as assigned by the supervisor Qualification: 1, Diploma/bachelor's degree, will graduate in Y2023/Y2024. 2, Proficient in MS Office. 3, Good command in both oral and written English. 4, Initiative way of work. 5, Polite, patient, good team spirit and service attitude Note: The personal information provided by you in applying this career opportunity may be transferred to other Hapag-Lloyd entities and/or to third party vendors outside of China for evaluation and processing purpose. Hapag-Lloyd will ensure the confidentiality and privacy of your personal information in according to the applicable data privacy laws, including the Chinese Cybersecurity Law. By submitting your application, you grant your consent to Hapag-Lloyd for transferring the personal information provided by you outside of China to other Hapag-Lloyd entities and/or to third party vendors. 在您申请该职位空缺过程中所提供的个人信息可能会被传输至中国境外的其他赫伯罗特实体和/或第三方服务商以进行进一步的评估和处理。赫伯罗特会依据相关法律要求,包括中国网络安全法,来确保您所提供之个人信息的保密和隐私。通过提交您的申请,您授权赫伯罗特将您所提供的个人信息至中国境外的赫伯罗特实体和/或第三方服务商。
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